Mayor Joshua Dieguez has lived in Miami Lakes since 1989 and served the Town from an early age. From his experience as a Town government intern to serving on the Elderly Affairs and Neighborhood Improvement Committees and the Charter Revision Commission, Mayor Dieguez has a proven track record of committed service to Miami Lakes and ensuring it lives up to the motto “Growing Beautifully”. Outside of public office, Mayor Dieguez continues to give back through service to various community groups.

Since being elected to the Town Council in 2018, Mayor Dieguez has made it his focus to ensure that taxpayer money is being used wisely, public safety is prioritized, and that much needed investments in our infrastructure are completed. Toward that end he voted to reduce the Town’s property tax rate to the lowest level ever, supported our police officers and provided them with the resources they need to keep Miami Lakes one of the safest communities in Florida, pushed to increase the Town’s “rainy day” fund, and voted on the largest drainage infrastructure investment in the town’s history.

Mayor Dieguez graduated cum laude from Florida International University with a double major in Political Science and History. He graduated with his Juris Doctor degree and a Certificate in Environmental Law from St. Thomas University. He practices law from his own law firm in Miami Lakes.

Organizations and Board Memberships

  • 2021 – present, Miami-Dade County Redistricting Advisory Board
  • 2018 – present, Cuban American Bar Association
  • 2018 – present, Florida Bar Association, Business Law Section and Real Property, Probate, and Trust Law Section
  • 2016 – present, Miami Lakes Bar Association (Board Member, 2018-2021; Vice President, 2022)
  • 2016 – Charter Revision Commission
  • 2014 – 2018, Elderly Affairs Committee
  • 2013 – 2018, Neighborhood Improvement Committee (Chair, 2013-2016)
Powers & Duties

The Town Charter grants the following powers and duties to the Mayor:

  • Shall preside at meetings of the Council and be a voting member of the Council.
  • Shall recommend the appointment of a Town Manager to the Council.
  • Shall present the State of the Town and budgetary addresses annually
  • May create and appoint subject to Council approval, committees of the Council which may include non-Councilmembers. The members of each committee shall select a chair.
  • Shall be recognized as head of the Town government for all ceremonial purposes, for the purposes of military law, and for service of process.
  • Shall be the official designated to represent the Town in all dealings with other governmental entities.
  • Execute contracts, deeds and other documents on behalf of the Town as authorized by the Council.

Department Staff