
The Building Department is responsible for the review, inspection and permitting of new construction and/or alterations to any structures within the Town in accordance with the current prevailing building codes, zoning regulations, ordinances and statutes adopted by the Town of Miami Lakes and the State of Florida.

eTRAKiT Web Portal

The portal enables citizens, licensees, registrants, developers, and contractors to complete various tasks related to licensing, business registration, permitting, and code enforcement online. Our services include application fee payment, application review monitoring, and inspection scheduling.

Contact contractorupdate@miamilakes-fl.gov to update or create an account.

Permitting Process

When embarking on a construction project, obtaining the necessary permits is a vital step to ensure compliance with local regulations and ensure the safety of all parties involved. While there may be variations, most permit processes follow a similar four-step process:

  1. Application
  2. Plan Review
  3. Permit Issuance
  4. Inspections

The issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy is an additional step for new construction and major remodeling projects.

Permit Types & Checklists

The Building Department is dedicated to providing a smooth process for all who apply for a permit. View the list of permits required to begin the application process.

Permit Types List

Building Permit Fee

Click here to access the Building Permits Fee Schedule.

Inspection Request

  1. Online:
    • Use the eTRAKiT Web Portal for a seamless inspection request experience. Simply log in, select your project, and schedule your inspection at your convenience.
    • Use the NextMe Web Portal to schedule inspections from your desktop or mobile device.
  2. Phone: Call the (305) 364-6100 to schedule you inspection.
  3. In-Person: Visit Town Hall during business hours (Monday – Friday from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm)  to submit your inspection request.

Our goal is to make the inspection request process as convenient as possible for everyone. Choose the option that suits you best, and let us help you streamline your project inspections.

Permit Search

Use the eTRAKiT Web Portal to access permit information and details.

Search by:

  • Permit Number
  • Property Address
  • Folio Search
  • Permit Type
  • Contractor Name

Once the search is complete, the portal will display the matching permits along with the corresponding details.

Request for Duplicate Records

To secure duplicate copies of your building permits, both residents and contractors can simply download the Request for Duplicate Plans form, fill in the required details, and submit to buildingdepartment@miamilakes-fl.gov.


Request for Duplicate Plans

Contractor Registration

Registration is mandatory for all contractors in the Town of Miami Lakes.

To facilitate the registration process, all Certificates of Insurance must be sent to contractorupdate@miamilakes-fl.gov from the insurance company. It is important to include a comprehensive cover letter with a clear description of the trades covered by the policy. There will be no exceptions in this regard.

By ensuring that your qualifications align with our established standards, you can increase your chances of obtaining a permit in a timely and successful manner.


Contractor Registration Form

Change of Contractor

Follow the steps below to facilitate a seamless transition in the contractor for your building projects:

  1. Download the Change of Contractor form
  2. Fill out the requested information
  3. Submit in person. Visit the Building Department during business hours


Change of Contractor Form

Building Recertification

Changes effective June 2022
How are building recertification affected by the new law?

The new state law, which went into effect on May 26, 2022, created new requirements for milestone inspections of condominium and cooperative association buildings that are three stories and taller. Miami-Dade County has had a building recertification program since 1975, which was amended on June 1, 2022. The integration of the new law together with the amended Miami-Dade ordinance has the following impacts to all existing buildings in Miami-Dade County.

  1. All buildings built on or before 1982 that have already had an initial recertification inspection through Miami-Dade’s 40-Year program will continue to follow the established schedule.
  2. Coastal condominium and cooperative buildings three stories or taller built between 1983 and 1997 and located within three miles of the coastline must have a recertification inspection by December 31, 2024, and every 10 years thereafter. These buildings are being identified through a GIS mapping project. All other buildings built between 1983 and 1992 must have a recertification inspection by December 31, 2024, and every 10 years thereafter.
  3. All condominium and cooperative association buildings that are three stories or taller located within three miles of the coastline built on or after 1998 must have a building recertification inspection when the building age reaches 25 years, and every 10 years thereafter. All other buildings built on or after 1993 must have a recertification inspection when the building age reaches 30 years, and every 10 years thereafter.

Changes effective January 2022
The recertification program in Miami-Dade County has been strengthened to include inspecting additional building components and providing a more detailed look into existing buildings. Approved by the Board of Rules and Appeals (BORA), the updated guidelines and report templates have been revised and are available below. Information about how the new guidelines and report templates have changed is also available below.

How the Process Starts
Each year, new properties become subject to the recertification process at 30 years and every 10-year interval thereafter for the life of the structure, pursuant to Section 8-11(f) of the Code of Miami-Dade County. For those properties that require certification, the property owners receive a Notice of Required Recertification to commence the process. The recertification reports must be submitted within 90 days from the date of notice.

Note that the following types of residences do not go through the recertification process:

  • Single-family homes
  • Duplexes
  • Buildings with 10 occupant load or less and 2,000 square feet or less

After Notification
Property owners must submit written recertification reports prepared by a Florida-registered professional engineer or architect, certifying each building or structure is structurally and electrically safe for the specified use for continued occupancy. The design professional must have proven qualifications by training and experience in the specific technical field covered in the inspection report (structural and/or electrical) as per the Miami-Dade County Code.


State of Florida Chapter 2022-269 Senate Bill No. 4-D

Miami Dade County Ordinance 22-57

Miami Dade County Code Section 8-11(f)


Forty (40) Year Recertification (Electrical)

Forty (40) Year Recertification (Structural)

Early Start Request

The Town of Miami Lakes Building Department has implemented an Early Start Request Program to
provide an opportunity for construction work to begin while the application for building
permit(s) is being reviewed.


Early State Request Application

Helpful Links

Florida Building Code
Miami Dade County Property Search
Miami Dade Building Department
Miami Dade County Track Permits
Florida State Statute Search
State of Florida Contractor Search
Florida Worker’s Comp
Miami Dade County Contractor Search
Florida Division of Corporations
State of Florida Department of
Business and Professional Regulation

Department Staff

Daniel Angel

Building, Zoning, & Code Compliance Director

6601 Main Street
Miami Lakes, FL 33014

Janiel Arias

Office Specialist / Special Events Permit

6601 Main Street
Miami Lakes, FL 33014

Antonio Acosta

Electrical Inspector and Examiner