Emergency Preparedness


Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)

Ready | Ready is a National public service campaign designed to educate and empower the American people to prepare for, respond to and mitigate emergencies and disasters.

Emergency Alerts | Cybersecurity | Extreme Heat | Floods | Home Safety | Hurricanes | Thunderstorm & Lightning | Tornadoes

Florida Division of Emergency Management

The Division of Emergency Management plans for and responds to both natural and man-made disasters. The DEM also prepares and implements a statewide Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan, and routinely conducts extensive exercises to test state and county emergency response capabilities.

Florida Hurricane Guide | Florida Special Needs Registry | Pet Plan | Evacuation Zones | Disaster Supply Kit Checklist

FloridaDisaster.Biz is the private sector’s hub for emergency management information before, during, and after an emergency.

Miami Dade County Department of Emergency Management

The Emergency Management Department supports the community’s disaster preparedness, response, recovery and mitigation needs through the coordination of information and resources countywide.

Emergency Evacuations | Evacuation Assistance Program | Community Emergency Response Team | Extreme Heat | Business Recovery

Town of Miami Lakes Emergency Preparedness

The Town of Miami Lakes Emergency Management Division is responsible for coordinating and implementing strategies to effectively respond to and mitigate emergencies in the town.

Hurricane Preparedness | Alert Miami Lakes | Jerry’s Squad | Miami Lakes Connect

Emergency Manager

John P. Yanes | Special Projects Manager

T: (305) 364-6100 | E: yanesp@miamilakes-fl.gov