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Town News
Diaz-Balart Secures $3 million for Miami Lakes Roadway Expansion Project
February 17, 2023
Miami Lakes, FL.– Congressman Mario Diaz-Balart (FL-26) issued the following statement after securing $3 million for the Town of Miami Lakes’ NW 59th Avenue roadway expansion and redevelopment project. "It is an honor to be in a position to get things done for my community,"...
Town News
Miami Lakes Recognized Through the Better Cities for Pets™ Program
January 17, 2023
Miami Lakes, FL - We are proud to announce that the Town of Miami Lakes has once again earned City Certification through the Better Cities For Pets™ program from Mars Petcare, showcasing our commitment to creating a pet-friendly community. More people than ever view pets...
Town News
Learn About MGT Academy And Their Tennis Programs
January 09, 2023
Miami Lakes, FL - Looking to get your kids involved in tennis? Want them to learn from the best coaches? In the search for an adult fitness program utilizing the high-energy nature of the sport? Visit to learn more about the MGT Academy and their programs...
Town News
Town Seeks Out Young Leaders to Join Youth Council
January 05, 2023
Miami Lakes, FL - Are you a middle or high schooler looking to make a change in the community? Want to lend your voice to the discussions taking place around town? Do you want to lend your skills to help govern the Miami Lakes...
Town News
Town Announces Winners of the Best of Miami Lakes Awards for 2022
December 19, 2022
Miami Lakes, FL - The votes have been tallied! This year's winners of the Best of Miami Lakes Awards were selected by thousands of voters and we are proud to announce the winners from the following categories: Best Café/Cup of Coffee: Casavana Cuban Cuisine Best...